Landlord Responsibilities

You must tell us when your tenants move in or out and provide the following information:

  • The exact start and end dates of the tenancy
  • The full names of each tenant
  • The previous and forwarding addresses of each tenant
  • A copy of the tenancy agreement 

You can inform us of any of these changes by using our online form via the button below, or by emailing 

Council Tax liability

Council Tax liability is not determined by the exchange of keys either at the start or finish of a Tenancy.
When a fixed term contract is in force the tenant is liable for Council Tax until the end of the tenancy, unless:

  • An early exit date is agreed by you
  • A new tenant signs a new tenancy for the property

When a rolling monthly tenancy is in force Council Tax liability returns to the landlord at the end of the rolling month period in which the tenant moves out. 
If your tenants have individual tenancy agreements and do not have full use of the property, the council tax bill will always be in your name.

One month empty property discount

If you have a property that is unoccupied and substantially unfurnished, there is no charge for the first calendar month. After this, the charge to pay goes up to the full amount.
This discount applies to the property (not the individual) and always starts from the day the property first becomes unoccupied and unfurnished. 
If your tenant vacates the property and removes their furniture prior to their end of tenancy date the discount starts on the day they vacate.
The empty property must then be occupied for at least six weeks before a further discount can be applied.

If you have a property that is furnished but not occupied, you will be charged 100 per cent with immediate effect, unless an exemption applies (see exemptions.)

Please note that failure to supply or knowingly supply false or misleading information will render you liable to a Penalty of £70.00 and possible further prosecution under the Local Government Finance Act 1992. Therefore, should you have any queries or require any assistance, please contact the Council Tax Section on 0116 272 7530

Last updated 31 July 2024
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