
Mayoral referendums

Citizens have the right to petition for an elected mayor. 

The Local Authorities (Referendums) (Petitions and Directions) Regulations 2000 (as amended) allows a petition to be submitted by five percent (the verification number) of the local government electors shown in the electoral register. If requested, we must hold a referendum to determine whether voters are in favour of establishing an elected mayor. 

A notice must be published annually giving the verification number (minimum number of supporters) required to hold the referendum.

The verification number

In accordance with Regulation 4(1) of the above regulations, the number that is equal to 5% of local government electors in the revised register of electors having effect on 15 February 2024 is: 


This figure will have effect for the purposes of determining the validity of petitions from 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025.

The number equal to five percent of electors for 2025 will be published within 14 days of 15 February 2025. If this number is less than 3866, the number to be used in relation to any petition submitted for the period beginning on the date of publication of the lower number until 31 March 2025 shall be the lower number. 

Other referendums

Neighbourhood Planning Referendums

Neighbourhood planning gives communities the power to develop a shared vision for development and growth in their local area. When adopted by the council, it shapes our future decision-making around planning applications and infrastructure.

Once a Neighbourhood Plan has been finalised, it must be put to the local community by referendum. 

For more information on Neighbourhood Planning, please visit the planning page.

National referendum

From time to time central Government may call a referendum to ask an important question. When this happens, it is the responsibility of the local authority to hold the referendum.

Last updated 6 September 2024
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