Hate Incidents

Hate incidents can be physical, verbal or written abuse. They take many forms but are essentially about someone being targeted because they are believed to be different, because of age, disability, gender identity, race, religion/belief or sexual orientation.

This means:

  • You don't have to be from a minority group to be a victim of hate
  • No matter how trivial it may seem if you think it's a hate incident please report it
  • No evidence is required to report an incident, it's the 'perception' that counts

Reporting a hate incident

If you have been a victim, or if you have witnessed or become aware of a hate incident, please tell us in one of the following ways:

  • Complete the online reporting form or downloading and completing a copy available from the Leicestershire County Council Website
  • Call the Hate Incident Monitoring Project on 0116 305 8263
  • Contact us using the form at the bottom of this page
  • By contacting your nearest reporting centre. Locations of these centres are available via the link above
  • If you think the incident involved is a criminal offence you should report it to the police by calling 101

Who can report an incident?

You may report an incident whether you are a victim, witness, or third party who has become aware of an incident.

  • Incidents involving council staff, services, service users and visitors including those not employed by the council may also be reported
  • You do not have to identify yourself
  • In most cases, further action will only take place at the wishes of the victim or reporting person
  • Even if you do not wish any further action to take place it is still important for you to report the incident
Last updated 4 September 2024
Do you need to get in touch with us? Use our contact form.