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Temporary Event Notice

Temporary Event Notices can be granted when carrying out temporary licensable activities, such as occasional events.

The notice can cover the sale of alcohol, serving alcohol to members of a private club, regulated entertainment and/or late night refreshment. You can either apply for a standard notice or a late notice, depending on when the event is to be held.

You will also need a Temporary Event Notice if a particular licensable activity is not included in the terms of your existing licence. An example is holding a wedding reception at a community centre.

A Temporary Event Notice must be received at least 10 clear working days before the event (clear working days do not include the day that the application is submitted, the day of the event or any bank holidays). A late Temporary Event Notice can be submitted so long as there are between five and nine clear working days before the event. It is recommended that applicants give between one and two months notice ahead of an event taking place.

Application process


If you submit an online application form you do not need to submit any extra copies to either the Environmental Health Department or Leicestershire Police. They will be notified of your application.

Important information about a Temporary Event Notice

There are certain limits to a Temporary Event Notice, including:


  • The event must be for no more than 499 people (including staff and performers);
  • The event must be for no more than 168 consecutive hours (7 days)
  • There must be at least 24 hours between each Temporary Event Notice given for the same premises by the same person or an associate
  • You must be 18 to apply for a TEN

Number of notices you can apply for

  • You need a Temporary Event Notice for each event you hold on the same premises
  • You can get up to five Temporary Event Notices a year. Two of these can be 'late notices'
  • If you have a personal licence to sell alcohol, you can be given up to 50 Temporary Event Notices a year. Ten of these can be 'late notices'
  • A single premises can have up to 15 Temporary Event Notices applied for in one year, as long as the total length of the events is not more than 21 days; (a day includes part of a day, as such an event running from 6 pm on one day until 6 am the next is classed as a two-day event)

Cancelled Events

If your event is postponed or cancelled you will need to submit a new Temporary Event Notice for the rearranged event. The dates cannot be amended and no refunds are given for cancelled events. 

A Temporary Event Notice may be withdrawn by the applicant giving the Licensing Authority a minimum of 24 hours notice before the beginning of the event period specified in the Temporary Event Notice. There is no refund of the fee; however this will not affect the applicant’s and premises allocation.


The Police and/or the Environmental Protection Department may object to notice if they think the event will adversely affect any of the four licensing objectives:

  • Prevention of crime and disorder
  • Prevention of public nuisance
  • Public safety
  • Protection of children from harm

If this happens and the matter cannot be resolved informally, there will be a hearing to decide whether the event will proceed. Following the hearing, a decision will be made whether to allow the Temporary Event Notice to proceed, to allow it subject to conditions (if all or part of the area is already covered by a premises licence) or to issue a counter-notice preventing licensable activities from taking place.


If you disagree with the licensing committee’s decision, you can appeal to your local magistrates’ court. You must do this within 21 days, and at least 5 working days before the date of your event.

If an objection is received in relation to a late Temporary Event Notice then a counter-notice is issued and the event cannot take place.

Displaying your notice

The Licensing Authority must acknowledge receipt of any notice received to the applicant within two working days after it is received. 

You must keep your Temporary Event Notice in a safe place where the event is held. 

You must also display a copy of the notice where it can be easily seen. 

Fines and Penalties

You could be fined if you make any false statements in your application, or face prosecution if you breach the terms of the notice.

If you do not have a Temporary Event Notice and carry out an activity that you should have a licence for (or allow your premises to be used for one), you can be fined, sent to prison for up to six months, or both.

Paper Application

Download the Temporary Event Application Form below. 

Paper application - where to send your notice

Once completed, submit two copies of the Temporary Event Notice to the Licensing Department with the fee of £21. Cheques can be made payable to Blaby District Council. Please post to:

Licensing Department
Blaby District Council
Desford Road
LE19 2EP

Further copies of the Notice must be sent to the Leicestershire Police and the Council’s Environmental Health Department. The copies must be received within the time limits to be deemed valid. Their addresses are:

Chief Officer of Police
Licensing Section
Mansfield House
74 Belgrave Gate

Environmental Health Department
Blaby District Council
Desford Road
LE19 2EP

Last updated 1 August 2024
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