Car Parking Strategy

Our Car Parking Strategy sets out proposals for the way we manage and regulate our car parks across the district. We recognise that car parks play an important part in promoting town centres, assisting residents and businesses. We also recognise the value of green spaces and recreation in promoting healthy lifestyles and chooses to support the provision of car parks across the place.

The strategy focuses on off-street car parking provision. It covers a five-year period and will be reviewed annually when progress against each of the objectives will be reported. It does not set out every decision or action that will affect car parking in the District but does set out the basis on which we will make future decisions and what these should achieve.

At the heart of this strategy is the principle that there are enough car parking spaces in appropriate locations to ensure the success of our business areas and to improve the quality of the environment.

You can download the latest Car Parking Strategy document below.

Last updated 30 July 2024
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