Street Name and Number Policy

Please Note: we no longer formalise adding a name to a property which already has a number, but you can if you wish add a plaque to your property with the property name as long as the name is not offensive

The naming and numbering of streets and buildings within Blaby District is the responsibility of Blaby District Council. We are the only organisation with the authority to name and number new or to amend existing streets and properties within the district.

Due to their close working relationship with developers and others carrying out development the Building Control team carry out this function on our behalf.

The purpose of street naming and numbering is to ensure that any new or amended street, building name and/or property numbers are allocated logically and consistently.

Organisations such as Royal Mail, the emergency services, delivery companies as well as the general public need an accurate means of locating and referencing properties. Royal Mail will not allocate a postcode until they receive official notification of new or amended addresses from the Council.

The policy, available to download below, provides clear and transparent guidance to developers, parish councils and elected members concerning street naming and numbering procedures.

There are currently no files for download
Last updated 10 September 2024
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