Senior Staff Salaries

Details of the salaries of senior officers of the Council who receive a basic salary of £50,000 and above is given below. Details of our Pay Policy Statement can also be accessed.


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Organisational and contextual information

At 01 April 2021, the Council employed 310 full-time equivalent members of staff. Estimated gross expenditure for the year 2021/22 is approximately £33 million. Services provided by the Council include refuse collection and recycling, street cleansing, public and environmental health, housing, parks and open spaces, leisure facilities, car parking, community safety, and housing and council tax benefits. The Council serves 42,000 households and a population of around 101,500.

Accountabilities and responsibilities of senior roles

Chief Executive

The Chief Executive is the most senior officer who leads and takes responsibility for the work of the Council and is the statutory Head of Paid Service with overall management responsibility for the management of the Council’s affairs. The role also attracts a separate fee payment, as appropriate, for acting as returning officer for District, County, European and General elections.

Strategic Director S151

The post holder fulfils the role of Section 151 Officer for the Council and is also responsible for Finance Services, Neighbourhood Services and Assets, and Human Resources.

Strategic Director

The post holder has responsibility for Environmental Health, Housing and Community Services, Business, Partnerships and Health Improvement, and Planning Services.

Corporate Services Group Manager

Post currently vacant. Responsible for Customer Services, ICT, Communications, Performance, Democratic Services, Scrutiny, Legal Services, Electoral Registration, Land Charges and Business Continuity. The post holder also acts as the Council's Monitoring Officer.

Business, Partnerships and Health Improvement Group Manager

Responsible for Economic Development, Work and Skills, Partnerships, Building Control, Lightbulb, Health Improvement, Leisure and Cultural Services, Sports Development, and Leisure Centres.

Neighbourhood Services and Assets Group Manager

Responsible for Refuse Collection and Recycling, Street Cleansing, Grounds Maintenance, Highways Cyclical Maintenance, Fleet Management, and the maintenance and upkeep of the Council's assets. The Group Manager also has operational responsibility for emergency planning and business continuity.

Environmental Health, Housing and Community Services Group Manager

Responsible for Environmental Health, Car Parking, Licensing, the Green Agenda, Housing Services (including Homelessness), Community Safety, Council Tax and Business Rates, Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support, and support for vulnerable residents.

Planning and Strategic Growth Group Manager

Responsible for Development Control, Planning Policy, Strategic Growth and Housing Strategy.

Strategic HR Manager

Responsible for Human Resources including recruitment, retention and training, and the delivery of the Council's People Strategy.

Strategic Finance Manager

Responsible for the Council's Finance function, including the Medium Term Financial Strategy, procurement, and income collection.

Pay Policy Statement

Section 38 of the Localism Act 2011 requires local authorities to produce an Annual Pay Policy Statement. This includes:

  • The level and elements of remuneration for Chief Officers
  • The remuneration of the lowest paid employees
  • The pay differential, known as the ‘pay multiple’ between the remuneration of Chief Officers and other officers
  • Other aspects of Chief Officer remuneration, fees and charges and other discretionary payments

You can view our Pay Policy Statement at the top of the page.

Last updated 10 September 2024
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